Now Hiring! HSU Student Worker Positions Open

August 7, 2024 Mason Duebner

As we steadily approach the fall 2024 semester here at Hardin-Simmons University, an underutilized opportunity on campus picks up once again. HSU enables students to go beyond their education in the classroom by exploring real-world work opportunities through almost every department on campus. From capturing live sports footage for broadcast to caring for the HSU horses, from tutoring current students to organizing lab equipment, there is a job waiting for nearly every type of student. 

Students who work with the Admissions Office give tours to prospective students and their families.

Students who work in Admissions give tours to prospective students and their families.

Student jobs create potent learning opportunities for students hoping to experience microcosms of their chosen careers. While most workplaces available to students outside of campus help teach customer service and life skills, the jobs available on campus aid students in obtaining abilities essential to their careers, such as social resourcefulness and team management. Beyond the broad skills that working on campus can teach, students can gain a snapshot of the work environment they hope to pursue post-graduation. 

Student workers are important pieces of the marketing department pipeline, integral to the ACE tutoring system, and incredible tools for professors who need help with their workflow. If you wish to make an impact on the campus as a student, there is almost no better way.

If you are a student on campus who wants to make a difference while receiving pay for your efforts, you should APPLY to one or even a few of the positions that interest you. 
